Rule #1


Rule #2

Don’t put anything on your piercing that you would not put on your eyeball: NO hydrogen peroxide, NO alcohol, NO makeups, cleansers, moisturizers, hair products, etc.

Rule #3

Use Sterile Saline Spray such as NeilMed Wound Wash or Arm & Hammer Nasal Spray to clean and irrigate your piercing. Spray 1-2 times a day directly on your piercing. (If the spray is not strong enough to get off crusties, gently clean off them with non-woven gauze or clean paper towel.)

Rule #4

Rinse thoroughly in the shower after your hygiene routine. The water will help get off any products or crusties that may have gotten on the piercing.

Do not submerge your fresh piercing in unclean bodies of water for at least 6-8 weeks. It’s a fresh wound and lakes, pools, hot tubs, oceans, rivers, and baths contain germs and bacteria not suitable for happy healing.

Rule #5

Rule #6

If your piercing was done with a post/barbell, downsize the length of your jewelry once the swelling goes down (about 4-8 weeks after the piercing was done). This will reduce irritation and bumping on your piercing.

If your piercing was done at Mom’s, you can receive 50% off the shorter barbell within the first 3 months of the piercing, to help with the extra cost!

Lip & Tongue Piercings

  • For the outside of a lip piercing, please follow the above aftercare.

  • For the inside of the mouth, rinse your mouth with clean water after you eat, drink, or smoke anything.

  • Do not overuse mouthwash, only use it as much as you normally do.

  • Keep good oral hygiene.

  • As easy as it is, don’t touch your piercings or play with the jewelry.

  • Downsize your jewelry within the first 2-4 weeks of having the piercing to reduce irritation.

If you got pierced at Mom’s, your piercing was done under sterile conditions using aseptic technique by a trained professional. It is now UP TO YOU to take good care of your piercing.

As always, Mom’s will be here to help you should you need help when it comes to your piercing. Please come in or call if you are having issues (if we can see what is going on, we can help the best).