Amethyst is a gemstone that has been known for centuries to have powerful properties. From the ancient Greeks to the modern day, amethyst has long been associated with spirituality and healing.
So what makes this little purple rock so special? What makes deep purple amethyst rings so appealing? Amethysts are made of quartz which means they resonate with energy in our chakras, and one can program crystals with intention.
In this article, we will cover the greater breadth of the information on the amethyst. This is so you can make an educated decision when choosing your next quartz crystal.
So whenever you're ready to dive deep into this topic, keep reading and get your intuition in check.
What Is An Amethyst?
Amethyst is a type of mineral made from quartz. Quartz crystals have powerful properties. For instance, the ability to resonate with energy in our chakras and program for intention.
Amethysts serve as protection against psychic attacks by bringing balance into one's life. This is especially true during times of intense change or challenges!
The name amethyst comes from a Greek word meaning "not drunk." This reference alludes to the belief that amethyst can protect people when they go out drinking at night. This is because it resists getting wet while alcohol makes your body more vulnerable.
The ancient Greeks also believed this gemstone was created due to Mother Earth trying to reawaken Bacchus after a snake bit him. It is then known as the Bacchus amethyst.
Amethysts have an association with spirituality and healing, from the ancient Greeks to the modern-day!
Origin of Quartz (Amethyst)
The origin of amethyst is from the colorless variety of quartz. Thus, there is a light amethyst color. The specific type that results in amethyst is thought to form from silicon dioxide and water within a rhyolitic igneous rock medium, such as granite or basalt.
The amethyst rock benefits are astounding. Quartz has been used by kings, queens & pharaohs throughout history for spiritual healing purposes. This is because it's one of the most powerful stones out there.
This mineral that makes it so special is its ability to amplify energy - especially thoughts & intentions!
Amethyst powers are also known to have some healing properties! Amethyst is a type of mineral that comes from quartz, and it's one of the most powerful stones out there because it amplifies energy. Especially thoughts & intentions - while protecting against psychic attacks and bringing balance into your life during times of major shifts.
One can program amethyst crystal properties for intention. So if you're ready to manifest more positive outcomes in your life, amethyst could help. The crystal healing properties of amethyst are second to none.
Spiritual Properties
So what are the metaphysical properties of amethyst?
The amethyst magical properties of the amethyst gemstone bring peace and calmness. It can promote intuition and creativity.
Amethyst is also known for its ability to balance one's chakra energy. Thus, allowing someone to feel more grounded in their life while still exploring new ideas or things they find interesting.
Here are some of the most prominent spiritual properties of amethyst:
Amethyst with green in it is believed to bring peace and calmness, promote intuition, creativity
It's also known for its ability to balance one's chakra energy - allowing someone to feel more grounded in their life while still being able to explore new ideas or things they find interesting
This stone can help one remain centered during chaotic times
Amethyst affects the chakras by:
Crown - promotes higher self-esteem and spirituality.
Third Eye / Brow - brings in more intuitive messages from the Universe to promote clarity of mind and a sense that all is well in one's life.
Throat Chakra - enhances communication with oneself and others, allowing for an increased ability to speak openly about what you want or need without fear; it also helps people listen better too!
The spiritual properties of amethyst are believed by many cultures throughout history, including those living during the Ancient Greek times up until today!
What Are the Healing Properties of Amethyst?
Besides the spiritual possibilities, there are amethyst healing properties. These properties come from the quartz crystal that makes up the gemstone. Amethyst helps with things like emotional healing, stress relief, and a feeling of contentment.
Here are some of the most prominent amethyst quartz healing properties:
It provides a calming effect on both physical ailments like insomnia or headaches and mental problems, thanks to bringing clarity of thought.
The amethyst stone properties help people manage stress while still promoting love and peace within themselves and other people around them - perfect for anyone looking to heal from trauma such as abuse.
It helps those who are depressed by boosting the mood due to it bringing clarity of thought and providing an uplifting feeling that makes them less despairing about what may be troubling them at the time.
It's also thought to have anti-convulsive effects. If you've ever had epilepsy, then this stone can be beneficial!
It can induce healing on an energetic level - promoting feelings of contentment or relieving pain in joints due to arthritis.
It's also believed that amethyst can purify the blood, making it a great stone for people who have diabetes and high cholesterol levels! Do not hesitate to try it even if the results you are seeking for are not listed, you might be surprised.
How to Charge Your Amethyst
To energetically charge your amethyst, you must first cleanse it. One can do this by rubbing the stone with a white cloth, making sure to soak up any liquid that may have been left on its surface from being in contact with your skin or other substances.
To charge an amethyst protection stone against psychic attacks and bringing balance into your life during times of intense change or challenges:
Hold an amethyst crystal between both hands while visualizing yourself surrounded by a shield of protective energy coming out from you into all directions around you - protecting not only yourself but anything else too!
You can also charge amethyst earrings by placing them in direct sunlight for a few hours but make sure you don't leave the crystal out all day or overnight as too much sun exposure will weaken its properties and cause them to fade! Amethyst care is very important, so don't forget about your gem babies.
How to Use Amethyst
Amethyst’s uses and benefits vary. Depending on the size of your crystal, the usual case will vary as well. You can use your amethyst by placing it on your third eye, throat chakra, or crown to promote the healing properties mentioned earlier.
The placement of amethyst for a particular purpose will depend on what you are looking to heal. If you want more peace and love in your life, then place this crystal on your brow while using an intention such as "I heal my body. So I can live with joy."
If there is someone difficult in life and you need some clarity when dealing with them, keep the stone near your throat!
You might also consider placing this gemstone over areas where one may feel pain due to arthritis or other diseases. One would also help any type of inflammation by keeping the amethyst nearby.
What's not understood by many people is the healing properties that amethyst has. Amethyst jewelry contains a high level of silica. This aids in physical and emotional wellness, bringing relief to those experiencing mental or physical pain.
If you own a large amethyst crystal, you can place it in the corner of a room to fill that space with positive energy.
Place one on your computer screen if you want more clarity when it comes to mental tasks or projects - this would be especially helpful for those who work in front of screens all day long and find themselves struggling with concentration.
Crystals & Gems for Your Needs
Now that you understand the intricacies of the amethyst crystal, you are well on your way to determine how you would like to incorporate them into your life.
Jewelry is one of the most popular ways to keep your charged crystals close to you. Take for instance these lovely BJO's Halo White Gold in Amethyst amazing slices of earring joy! Or this BJO Noble Rose Gold Amethyst & CZ which can fit into any Threadless post size we carry!
There's a reason there are so many gems and crystals available right now. They are there to find the right person and to encourage improvements via a symbiotic relationship.
If you're interested in finding the right crystal or gem for your spiritual or healing needs, get in touch with us at Mom’s and we will help you find it. You may also call us at (509)426-4465.
Love Always,